首先,我的但腦因不明原因中了名叫HelloPhilippines的病毒,它會不斷的在資料夾內建立一個所在資料夾名稱的exe檔,刪也刪不掉。連工作管理員都較不出來,並在開機時跳出HelloPhilippines.txt內容是:First of all Pleases don't be affright, this program is not a virus 'IS A MIND MULTI-VITAMINS'spyware or anything, I just want to express my feeling and describe what happen to my countryI'm not a politicians, I've no group (militant, activist etc.,)I'm just an individual who did not feel the eagerness of my goverment to help their citizensOne of the example of it is myself, I finish my bachelor degree in computer field and still studying to develop my skill because there's is no opportunity here in my country (Philippines). some like me they go to other country to exercise thier knowlwdge abroad.some of they in general, back in our country dead, loss their mind or have a serious medical attention, Rape victim (lost the virginity of young girl OFW), anguished." & vbNewLineWHY IS THIS HAPPEN?this is the description of the Government of my Country: 1. All of the politicians here do their job beacuase of popularity reason preparation of next comming election. 2. Corruption: Wow the economy of the Philippines is good believe it or not BUT: 99% of 100% of politicians here is corrupt again belive it or not3. Politicians do their job so good by making a law of TAX Atleast they do thier job.hehehe yeah right beacuase they want alot of money on his/him pocket.Job will done 2013-04-26 22:43:19 補充 The Filipino or Native Pilipino is very resourceful, Intellegenthardworking, fighting spirit, Family loving, kindness etc.,but they just have no oppotunity.some of the Filipino they degrade themselves of he/she wanted to 2013-04-26 22:43:45 補充 to have a nice future of her/him family.Now what is the impact of the overseas workers family1. HE/SHE provide the primary needed of her/him family 'Money' CHECK2. Attention to her/him family DEFECTED 3. Caring to her/him family DEFECTED 4. Her/Him family appraises DEFECTED 2013-04-26 22:43:59 補充 This is happened all the time because of out of her/him present to her/him family. Her/him son or daughteris engage to drugs, alcohol, primarital sex etc., Her/Him husband/wife have indecent relationship. 2013-04-26 22:44:19 補充 This is the big disaster of overseas Filipino workers:Her/Him effort to have a good future her/him family is totally waste.Her/Him effort when she/he first time to drop her/him foot to other land.Her/Him effort to communicate to different person tradition. 2013-04-26 22:44:35 補充 Her/Him effort to ignored the descriminationHer/Him effort to refuse the furious he feel when he/she heard the STUPID word pointing to him/her 2013-04-26 22:44:48 補充 SO WHAT HAPPEN TO HER/HIM EFFORT TO HAVE A GOOD FUTURE HER/HIM FAMILY Sorry for this program, I assure you that your file is still safe. I'd just baffled of the politicians here they serve themselves not the public. 2013-04-26 22:45:01 補充 I created this program to be utile myself for once in a lifetime, because I feel useless.heheabout all this, all of the government officials is setting pretty on their position.the only specific desire is to accumulate the TAX,VAT etc., of the poor citizens. 2013-04-26 22:45:16 補充 but not all politicians create a problem on this country; then who else?the answer of this question is the person who had aspiration to become politiciansremember the 'Crying Man', they style is to get the fellow-feeling of the masses, he smiling 2013-04-26 22:45:26 補充 like a Dog that ready to bite when him aim is unfocused, Before I idolize the activestwho have a brave-out to express they feeling to the government but now I'm verydisappointed of them,I observe that most of them they not Determine first the the main 2013-04-26 22:45:35 補充 另外我這台電腦在中毒之前是沒有防毒軟體的,事後我使用了網路上各種殺毒軟體都毫無作用,確切的說都是被病毒擋下來,如:AVASTˋ小紅傘,裝完之後直接讓電腦當機,只剩桌布,必須強制關機。重新開機後也是直接當機剩桌布,必須開安全模式進去把所有防毒軟體卸除掉才能使用電腦。希望大家能幫我想出一個不用送修卻能解決的具體方法 網友票選 明輝 ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2013-04-27 14:05:15 [ 檢舉 ] 既然用這麼多方式都沒用那最快的方法就是重灌 參考資料 自己 相關詞: manila, philippines,philippines中文,yahoo philippines,philippines airline,philippines是哪裡,quezon city, philippines,air philippines,philippines map,philippines news,made in philippinesPhilippines,economy of the Philippines,bachelor degree,病毒,job,the politicians,OFW,politicians,comming election,beacuase [ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 3 ) | 評論( 0 ) 發表你的評價 你的評價 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 看另一則問題 馬上按讚加入Yahoo!奇摩知識+粉絲團 多益700分線上測驗題庫 免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 3分鐘立即測你的英文力! 如何不背單字學好英文? 闖過英文面試關祕笈公開! 上班族不可不知的職場秘密 相關問答 [ 東南亞 ] Philippines Cebu casino jouney [ 英文 ] 中翻英,請幫我翻譯這段有關菲律賓文化的介紹 [ 英文 ] 英文時事翻譯!!! 急!!! [ 英文 ] 英文翻譯,一個句子而已. [ 英文 ] (英文)(英翻中) 請問以下的5個句子該如何翻譯才較通順流暢 [ 其他 ] 請大家幫我翻譯這篇文章~中翻英喔我非常急需 更多 其他回答(1) 意見(3) 相關評論(0) 001 joe ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2013-04-29 16:20:26 [ 檢舉 ] 中毒之後再來安裝防毒軟體其實已經有點晚了,因為有些病毒會干擾防毒軟體正常的部署元件,導致就算安裝成功也無法偵測到病毒另外這病毒宣稱它只是要發表一些意見,所以你才會產生這個文字檔,這邊提供你一個試用版防毒軟體嘗試看看,看能不能排除你的問題※ PC-cillin 2013 雲端版試用版安裝程式下載 (請將檔案儲存在桌面上再進行安裝)網址為:://※如果還是不能排除你的問題的話,建議重灌電腦是比較快速且不會有任何後續的問題的 參考資料: 自己 1 001 意見者: 自在 ( 專家 1 級 ) 擅長領域: 防毒防駭 | 作業系統 發表時間: 2013-04-27 08:38:23 [ 檢舉 ] 既然能開機到安全模式底下,為何不就直接掃毒!還移除防毒軟體咧...?真是不可思議![當正常開機模式下時,請必先關閉系統還原"不管哪個槽區,都必先關閉所有的系統還原"後再重新開機並選擇到安全+網路模式下,更新防毒軟體的病毒碼與資料庫後立即全碟掃毒"記下已被刪除的檔案位置與名稱"].首先,當病毒定義檔更新完成後首要的動作是:左下角的開始>執行>輸入>%TEMP%>並把所有已列示的資料檔案,全部刪除>再清空桌面的資源回收桶,然後再執行全碟高安全規格之掃描.小紅傘!應該是無法於安全模式下執行檔案的. 002 意見者: 信良 ( 初學者 5 級 ) 發表時間: 2013-04-27 13:37:45 [ 檢舉 ] 我有試過,但是防毒軟體是沒辦法在安全模式下運作的 003 意見者: 闇黑惡魔 ( 研究生 1 級 ) 擅長領域: 防毒防駭 | 作業系統 發表時間: 2013-04-29 10:37:38 [ 檢舉 ] 那要看你是用哪套防毒軟體,莫非是趨勢?裝江民防毒試試看吧!直接在安全模式下安裝、升級、掃描、修復~ 1 發表意見

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